Sunday, August 7, 2016

Adaptive T-Ball

Ben seems so indifferent towards his brothers' baseball games, so I really wasn't expecting him to care much about playing when I signed him up for adaptive t-ball. My thinking behind signing Ben up was that a) Ben deserves to be the center of attention now and then and feel the support of having his family cheering him on, and b) with his vision impairment, regular t-ball seemed too dangerous. I was half right. Ben loved, loved, loved feeling like a big kid and having his fans cheer for him. He proudly told everyone that he, "scored three goals!" However, I failed to account for how dangerous a special needs league can be: bats and balls flying all over, kids clueless about which direction to run, and a few behavioral issues make for a need to be constantly on guard. Thankfully, the kids wear helmets and are partnered up with a buddy to assist them. I'm so glad that Ben was able to experience the self-confidence that comes from participating in sports. Whether or not he "scores three goals," he makes me pretty proud, watching him try new things and push himself outside of his comfort zone.

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