Saturday, February 14, 2015

Christmas Eve

Sometimes I reflect back on a special occasion and think about how we could have made it more special or note how we could make it better the following year. That is not the case with Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is perfection. It is all of my favorite things all wrapped up into one magical day. I love the tradition: the food, the games, the movies, the Christmas pjs, the cookies left out for Santa. I love both the eager anticipation of gifts soon to come, and, the feeling of contentment that we have everything in the world that we could ever need. I love the celebration in honor of that perfect babe born in a manger so long ago whose life and death gives MY life purpose, meaning, hope, and peace. 

We literally hold money back from every paycheck to be able to go on a once a year, hog wild spending trip for our Christmas Eve feast. Even with the help from Nana and Papa Grover and Tim and Maria's family we hardly made a dent in this decadent spread: 

After gorging ourselves, we played a few kiddie games like Christmas Bingo and pin the carrot on the snowman. 

Nana read a special Christmas story:

We acted out a very simplified nativity:

Then the kids ran happily to bed to wait for Santa Claus to arrive!

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