Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New Adventures

I think the best word to describe our lives these days is, "whirlwind." Yep, I think crazy, unpredictable, chaos, swirling out of control sounds about right. Quitting a job, buying businesses, moving out of our house, buying a new house, moving to a new is out of control over here!
Well, to back up a bit, all this mayhem actually began quite awhile back. With the economic downturn hitting the construction industry especially hard, Aaron and I both felt concern about the longevity of his position with the company that he had enjoyed working for over the past six years. Out of prudence, we began brainstorming alternative employment options, but most of the ideas we came up with didn't seem very viable at the time. Fast forward to about a year ago....Aaron wakes up in the morning, swings his feet over the side of the bed, and announces that he has had a dream (Aaron never has any dreams and rarely puts much stock into any of mine, for that matter). He further declares that he learned in his dream that 1. we were moving to Utah, and 2. we were going to have another baby! Well, ok then! Its settled! NOT! At the time, both of things he predicted in his dream seemed about as likely as pigs flying. So, we both laughed a little, and didn't think much more of it. As the months passed, little by  little, we felt as though our course was in fact being directed towards making some big changes for our family and, with lots of prayer, decided to act on those impressions. Once the ball of action starting rolling, it started an avalanche effect, and we found ourselves making major decisions very quickly--and feeling really good about them. In the period of just a few weeks, Aaron quit his job, started school to prepare for his licensing exams, passed his exams and became licensed to sell insurance, purchased two Allstate agencies in Utah, and bought a new house! And so we find ourselves here...

The moving truck arrived this afternoon and our house is in shambles, its contents scattered among heaps and piles of boxes. We've got a couple days left to finish packing and then we're off! To our new adventure! We're feeling bittersweet right now: already beginning to miss our home in Washington, our sweet ward and precious friendships, and everything known and familiar to us, but, at the same time, we're excited for the journey that lies ahead. One beautiful chapter ending, another exciting chapter beginning...

1 comment:

michelle said...

Where in Utah are you all moving too?