Thursday, August 12, 2010

Spot Light

Since Hank and Ben both had their little blog "spot lights" I wanted to add a few fun things about Max, too.

Max's vocabulary is exploding and he is learning fun new words everyday. A few examples:

- Whenever I get out the kids' cups or plates, Max declares "blue one!" even if there aren't any blue ones being offered. Apparently he's just heard Hank claim the blue cup/plate and thinks its the customary response at mealtime, because he's actually content with any color that he ends up with.

- We retired the high chair (just in time for Ben to get his turn) and now Max prefers to eat dinner on Dad's lap. Since I don't eat meat, I don't usually prepare it for the kids. I guess Max is a true carnivore because he's discovered that he can find meat on his Dad's plate. His favorites are steak, meatballs, and sometimes chicken.

- Every morning, Ben gets super excited to help give Ben his bottle (medicine). He likes to hold Ben on his lap and pets Ben's head as he feeds him.

Max is a sweetie! I'll be honest, he hasn't escaped the terrible twos (a little early) but, 99% of the time, he is smiling, laughing, and such a joy. I love you Mattsy-boy!


Mindy said...

Holy cow-he looks like Hank!!

kathy said...

Max is a sweetheart. He's fun to watch as he grows and developes his own personality.