Monday, August 30, 2010

Go Fish

I have fond memories as a little girl of going fishing with my grandpa and feeling that little thrill each time there was a tug on the other end of my fishing pole and then excitedly reeling in my line to discover what I had caught. Hmmm. I must have blocked from my memory the less idyllic parts of the fishing experience: the slimey fish bait, the dinky rainbow trout that aren't much of a prize to even meat-eaters, and the graphic lesson in the circle of life when your 4-year-old innocently questions why dad is "hurting the fish." I guess our boys aren't destined to be rough and tough outdoorsmen because when we took them to a petting zoo/u-fish pond, Max was petrified of the animals (even the "meows") and Hank was more interested in the sand box/playground area.

After instant success in catching fish on the first few casts, I think the boys were actually starting to have fun fishing. Unfortunately, when the pond is stocked with bazillions of tiny, hungry trout that cost $5/fish, the fun (or funds, more accurately) runs out really fast.

On our way back home from the pond, we stopped at the park in our town to check out Summer Fest where Hank got to take a horse ride.

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