Thursday, August 14, 2014

Best Friends

We are so fortunate to have such great friends living right next door to us...could we be any luckier to have next-door neighbors with triplet 8 year olds and twin 5 year olds? Hank and Max are endlessly entertained playing with their friends, and Ben and Joey get mothered and smothered by the neighbor girls.  Mostly, the gang spends the afternoon digging in the sandbox, riding bikes up and down the street, or playing board games. The other day, we decided to start a business venture and sold lemonade on the street corner. Man, the lemonade business is pretty cut-throat...would you believe there were two other groups selling lemonade on opposing street corners? Despite the stiff competition, these kids were excellent salesmen, flagging down cars and shaking their signs, and earned $20 (combined).

We also had a great time visiting Pioneer Park downtown with our neighbor friends. We played at the playground and splashed in the splash pad, then took a break for a picnic lunch. Afterwards we played an organized game of two-hand-touch football, and then waded through the creek. Such a fun afternoon with great friends!

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