Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last Hurrah

I feel mixed emotions about this summer coming to an end. It's hard to trade in our lazy pajama mornings, laid-back afternoons of hanging out with the neighborhood crew and frequenting the parks and lakes, and long evenings playing outside for an early(er) wake-up call, everyday responsibilities, homework, routine, and school-night bedtimes. Although it doesn't seem like we tackled half of the items on our bucket list--the boys couldn't seem to get enough of just plain old bike riding and playing with their buddies--I feel like it really was the perfect childhood summer. Simple fun, lots of outdoors and sunshine, and free roam of the neighborhood. I'm glad we had the chance to squeeze in a few more summer memories, like our day at Liberty Park, before it was time to change gears and get back into the swing of school mode.

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