Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's Settled

I would be the happiest Mom on earth if the boys decided to attend my alma mater, BYU. Aside from being a solid's only 20 minutes from home! I would consider allowing the boys to move away from home post-graduation...all the way to Provo....if they agreed to come home each weekend for Sunday dinner. Hmmm, maybe I should write this up in a contract now. Annnyway, we took the boys to the BYU campus yesterday to get the family dudded up in BYU apparell and stopped at the BYU creamery while we were there.

Sign him up! Is he not the cutest little linebacker you've ever seen?

1 comment:

Megan and Keli'i said...

So cute! But what if they choose your other alma mater? BYU-Hawaii???