With the impending likelihood of getting induced on 9/11 (not the luckiest birthday), I decided to take measures into my own hands. I made myself of cocktail of one part koolaid and one part castor oil and downed it at 2:00pm. A mere three hours later, I was having contractions 5 minutes apart. We arranged for Hank to spend the night at Nana G's house and I sent Aaron to the grocery store to bring back dinner, planning to have some relaxing down time before we started a long night of labor. Plans changed when the contractions started coming at 2 minute intervals by 7:00pm. No time for dinner, we rushed to the hospital. I had decided not to go the natural route like I did with Hank, and didn't waste any time letting the hospital staff know that I wanted an epidural. However, by the time the nurses got me admitted and the paperwork complete, located my doctor and retrieved the orders for the epidural, and hauled an off-duty anesthesiologist in, I had already dilated to an 8 and a half and was experiencing significant pain. The anethesiologist arrived in the knick of time and quickly took me out of my misery--thirty minutes later I was finally able to relax, but not for long. My doctor arrived near 11:00, examined me, announced that I was 9 and a half cm dilated, and we made preparations to begin pushing. My doctor was fantastic and Aaron was a great coach--I was actually somewhat enjoying myself and the whole birth process at this point. Aaron was pressuring me to deliver the baby before midnight, so we got busy. I started pushing at 11:20 and the baby was born at 11:45 pm on 9/10. Maxwell Robert Grover weighed 7lbs 13oz and measured 21 inches long and is simply adorable. With no further ado.... Max, Nana G, Hank, and Nana Z
Max looks just like Hank in this picture--same cute mouth and lots of dark hair.
The last 36 hours have been nerve-wracking, exhausting, exhilerating, and undescribably joyful. When I saw my new baby boy for the first time, my eyes filled with tears and my heart filled with love. I love my sweet baby Max and I feel so blessed that Heavenly Father has entrusted me with this precious boy. I love my boys to peices and feel so lucky to be their mama.
Oh he is just darling! Ive been checking your blog every 15 minutes all day just waiting for a post! Congrats to all of you! What handsome boys you have! Love you all!
congrats. nice work and thank goodness for epidurals. we got there a little too late on ethan.
oh congrats.. so sweet.. that picture of your family of four.. is just so sweet! glad that delivery part is over... and you are home..
take care!
Oh yeah! I am so happy for you. Even though 9/11 wouldn't have been too big of a deal I'm glad you had him on the 10th! He is so adorable and he looks like Hank-but he looks grown up already-not as squishy as most newborns. He is beautiful and your family is adorable. Welcome to the world of epidurals. Isn't it great? Please tell me all those pictures of you are from today-you look too darn fresh, clean and beautiful to have just had a baby! CONGRATS!
Yay! Congrats, Courtney and Family! Max is soooo adorable -- wow! He really does look a lot like Hank. You make some amazing little boys . . . we should swap, eh? A girl for a boy? LOL
When can I come see you? I have presents!
Yea for baby Max. We were waiting like Robyn for the news of Max's birth. Glad everything went well and you got the birthday you wanted. Hope to see more pictures soon. Love you all
Congrats! Im so glad he is finally here! He is so adorable! Im so glad we got to come see him in the hospital, brand new and straight from heaven:)
Finally! We've been dieing to see our new cousin! You two do great work--keep it up! Max is perfect!
Love Dan and Linsey
Sweet baby!! I love newborns! Sounds like everything went great! We're so happy for you guys.
Oh! You guys! Congrats! We are so happy for you! Now Hank can marry Emma and Max can marry Avery! Anyway, we are glad to hear that everything went well. Congrats!
What a cutie! I love the picture of Hank holding Max. So so so so precious! Congratulations and keep posting those pictures :)
Soooo cute. Reminds me of Hank...with all that hair. Glad things went well and that Max is here, safe and sound. I love the family picture. Looks like Hank is going to be a very attentive older brother.
Call me if you need anything!!
What a precious baby and cute family! I've seen 4 of my grandchildren come into the world and there is nothing like it! How nice of you to share that experience. Babies are so fresh from heaven and holding them brings such joy and peace. Love Aunt B
You look beautiful Court. I don't believe that you gave birth to that baby. He looks just like Hank. I'm so glad for you that you didn't have to be induced. Caterole...hmmm...sounds gross but worth it. Kisses to your boys.
Congratulations Courtney! I've heard scary stories about how fast the baby comes with castor oil...eeesh! You look beautiful and Max looks adorable! :)
Congrats Grovers he is absolutely adorable!
He is beautiful!! Hank looks like he will be a great big brother to baby Max. Congradulations!!
Congrats! Enjoy your sweet baby!
Welcome to the world of two boys! Its a good one! He is a cutie just like his big brother! Im sure Hank is so proud of his new title. Your family is so cute and enjoy little Max while he sleeps alot! That time goes by way too fast!
congrats! HE is a cutie! Wish I was closer I'd love to take pics of the lil peanut!
Yeah! Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy and a gorgeous fam! Rad labor story too!
congratutlations! have lots of fun with your two baby boys. beijos.
I love him too! You look beautiful!
Thanks for the comment! We are so happy for you guys! He is so tiny and cute! Courtney, you look so pretty!!! Your haircut fits you! amzepperson@gmail.com is my email for those knightmare pictures! Thanks
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