Saturday, April 9, 2016

First Grade Field Trip

I know my kids' teachers must think I'm a deadbeat parent because whenever there is a request for classroom volunteers, I am the last to raise my hand. There is nothing I would love more than to be able to be active in my kids' classrooms, but with little ones at home, it is a challenge to find babysitting. I have promised myself that when Joey and Rocky are in school, my turn will finally come and I will get to signup for all the committees and volunteer assignments to my hearts' content. So, when Max's teacher sent out an email asking for chaperones for their class field trip to the aquarium, naturally I ignored the request and allowed the other, more available mother, to accept the opportunity. Two days before the field trip, Max made it clear that he really, really, really wanted me to be there. I couldn't say "no" to a child wanting to spend time with me and so I just made it happen. I pulled Ben out of school (his class would have ended while I was still at the field trip), and I packed up Joey and Rocky, and herded them all around the aquarium. Max was so happy to see me there and held Joey's hand the entire time. Someday he will be embarrassed having his mom tag along and wouldn't be caught holding his brothers hand, so it was a sweet moment and I'm thankful I was able to spend it with Max.

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