Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School

7:01 am - Hank comes bouncing downstairs, fully dressed, ready for school.

9:10 am - I give Hank a great big hug and wish him luck on his very first day of first grade. He won't let me walk him to his class; he wants to be dropped off at the front of the school. What a big kid!

9:12 am - Dance Party! Max and I get our groove on to celebrate our awesome Mom and Max day!

9:15 am - I get started on household chores....gather laundry, clean up breakfast, start dishes, etc.

9:20 am - Max is bored. Max goes to play at a neighbor's house.

9:22 am - Two boys down--now its really time to celebrate! Dance Party again!

9:25 am - Ahah! So this is what is feels like to be productive.

10:30 am - Hmmm...I've already bugged Aaron twice at work. I've already called my mom. Its feeling kind of quiet.

Noon - I send for Max to come home to eat lunch together. Wonder how Hank is doing at school...

1:00 pm - Both babies in bed! Max having quiet time. What to do, what to do... Free time! I work on my talk for church on Sunday!

2:00 pm - Is it time to pick up Hank yet?

3:30 pm - Interrogate Hank about each and every detail of his day (he LOVED it!)--over milk and cookies, of course.

3:45 pm - Max and Hank play together like long lost friends.

4:00 pm - Max takes Hank's prized keychain. Hank stabs Max with a pencil (come on, really?!). Boys are both sent to time out. Boys proceed with wailing and gnashing their teeth.

ahhh. All is right in the world again.

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