Saturday, January 1, 2011

Out With the Old...

...In With the New! Good riddance, 2010! We're feeling guardedly optimistic that 2011 has great things in store for our family--there's nowhere to go but up!

Being the wild party animals that we are, we had a family New Year's Eve pizza party.

After dinner, we got really crazy and made some homemade icecream!

Well, it was more like "icecream soup," but the boys weren't complaining!

Cheers! We toasted our sparkling cider to "miracles in 2011!"

The night ended with the kids getting tucked into bed and Aaron and I cuddling up together to watch a movie.
I've never been a big fan of New Years--the whole self-assessment and end-of-year evaluation always stresses me out. Nonetheless, I'm always up for setting new goals and, boy, do I have some new goals for 2011. Among other spiritual, physical, social, and financial goals, I have made the personal resolution to be done with guilt! Done! At the end of every day, I lay in bed and feel racked with guilt for what I didn't get done, for what I wish I had done differently, for not spending enough time with the kids, for not giving someone enough attention, etc. Certainly I can always stand to improve in these areas, and I will continue to work hard to meet all of my responsibilities/duties/expectations. But, I am done feeling guilty! All I can do is try my very best, and if that isn't enough--then I'm off the hook! Here's to trying my best...and forgetting the rest!


mom and pops grover said...

Good Luck. If you figure it out, will you let me know?

Lauralee said...

good for you! sounds like a good goal- that is hard though!

looks like a fun new years eve party!

Unknown said...

we went out to dinner, then dad called and said it was snowing, so we went home. at 9.30pm. and that's the best nye I've had in years. geesh, I'm pathetic.

Kelli Radmall said...

Down with guilt! Good thoughts Court.